Marvel Studios team behind the Iron Man franchise has revealed yet another Iron Man Suit to appease those movie buffs who can’t wait until May 3, 2013 to watch Iron Man 3 in their nearest theaters. With a seemingly reversed color scheme (as compared to previous versions) that flaunts gold – a crème hued shade rather – and red across its lengths only, you might see Tony Stark donning the same costume in the upcoming movie.
Yahoo News reports, it will not take Tony Stark more than few seconds to wear this armor-clad costume since individual armor pieces assemble around his body in no time. The badass suit of armor was revealed at Comic-Con in San Diego.
Iron Man 3 has a massive star cast that includes Robert Downey Jr., James Badge Dale, Jon Favreau, Don Cheadle, Ben Kingsley, Rebecca Hall, Guy Pearce and Gwyneth Paltrow. Sir Ben Kingsley would be playing the villain Mandarin in the movie.
Via: Dvice