Automate your home with Clime, the mini sensors
These tiny, tablet-sized sensors are capable of measuring temperature, humidity, movement and light. They call it “the micro-sensor that automates your life.” The people who love home automation but want simple gadgets would definitely want a piece of it.
The design
These square tablets with round edges come in vibrant solid colors, white, blue, pink and more. They are quite fitting for their size, looking small and pretty, with ‘clime’ printed on them. Since Clime is a humidity sensor as well so it ought to be humidity proof, right? Of course, the tiny electronic components are protected by a foamed PVC covering. Inside there is a small battery to power the gadget, which will last up to 1.5 years.
The creators of Clime believe in harmony in home automation arena, their gadget works with other products to automate the consumer home or office. The systems monitoring the security can be adjusted by syncing them with Clime. Also, the temperature and humidity controlling gadgets can be tweaked from the information provided by Clime.
Clime can sync with the Clime HUB and a smart phone. User can make changes in his home environment using the smart app that is associated with the gadget. The Clime HUB on the other hand is capable of transmitting all the information received to the cloud.
The smart app for Clime is available on Google play store and iPhone App store, it is also smart watch ready. The gadget is built in such a way so that the non geeks can have fun using it. Soon, the capabilities of it would be extended to sensing pressure, light colors and CO2.
These Clime tablets may be used in child monitoring, green houses, food storage aquariums, laundry, tanks, home optimization and more. Just throw it in your favorite plant pot and you would be informed when is the time to water it. This feature can be especially exploited in the Green houses to maximize the produce along with other areas.
The motion sensing capabilities make it a pretty decent companion for the security systems, just put one tablet underneath the doormat and you would know someone is there before he rings the bell.
Bart Zimny and Andrzej Pawlikowski, the creators of Clime transmitters plan to extend its capabilities, so that the user could spill it in his home or office and automate the systems around him further.
Source : ClimeSense.Com