Main features of underwater and marine linear actuators


Actuators are devices that can operate, produce and deliver directly without any linkage. Linear actuators are widely used to do relatively lighter activity in various ways, this include; Raising, lowering, holding hatch covers, boom control when raising and lowering the sail, control of opening and closing of windows, they are also used when lowering hitches and Seat positioning

A motor, a gear and spindle including systems are typically used for extending tables, adjusting chairs and to extend, bath tabs and flat screens in marine.

Integrated motion control


Actuators are mostly controlled by configuration. This gives it a fully integrated control system such as actions based on a command. They can be configured to 30 different  programmed positions. The integrated motion control ensures accuracy in work produced.

Working temperatures

This variability of working and storage temperatures is a very important feature in the efficiency of both marine and under water actuator. They can be operated between   -30 to 65С and therefore able to work under a wide range of temperature condition.

Metal mode of building

Both marine and under water actuators are constructed of sold metal. The mode of construction ensures durability and ability to stand adverse conditions such as high pressure cleaning and maintenance


Energy Efficiency

Underwater and marine linear actuators are positioned in the place required and only operate on demand. This gives them high energy efficiency. This is because they are placed in accordance to their work. This makes them efficient when commanded.

Highly configurable operating parameters, they have highly configurable operating parameters that are designed to suit customer requests and comfortability.

Stainless steel protects against corrosionas both marine linear and boat actuators work in water environments. The stainless steel helps control corrosion and therefore keeping efficiency and durability. service/store


The online store supplies a wide range of actuators and other gears for marine use. They are identified with a wide range of actuators.

The store also supplies inflatable boats, outboard motors paddle sports equipment.


Article submitted By Community Writer.

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