When organizing large events as a professional or a company, things can get pretty challenging. Attendees are coming in all over social media expecting a great event while your calendar is packed with interviews and conferences. There’s so much going on that micromanaging the event essentials that ensure high-quality outcomes can become quite a headache.
Luckily in this day and age, you can access software tools and mobile applications to produce high-quality events. This post covers some of the best tools individuals and businesses can utilize when organizing events and exhibitions.
Let’s jump in…
- Boomset
This tool can be guest to import a guest list from Excel, Eventbrite, and virtually anywhere. There is also an option to upload Excel spreadsheets directly to the software. Custom fields like table number and booth ID can be copied into the list when you import.
QR code generation is included within the tool for free, and provides you a fast way to check in guests and print their name badges as well. For custom registration, the tool has an easy to understand in house registration solution for your events. And guests can be added directly at the door.
- DoubleDutch
DoubleDutch has a mobile conference app for your smartphone that enables you to access real-time analytics for improving event performance. The data-driven app includes several features such as post-event reporting, surveys, ratings and much more.
Not sure what sessions, speakers, and sponsors attendees are actually interested in? This app enables you to uncover what really matters to attendees and achieve a positive ROI in the process. So basically, you can optimize the entire event experience while demonstrating that your events are well worth attending.
- Tito.io
This is a sleek and user-friendly web application that allows you to design and manage webpages to sell tickets to an exhibition, and you can customize the page with your own banner, text, logo, and add secret tickets and discount codes for those who you familiar to you/ are regular customers of your business.
It also integrates with Lanyrd to enable users to integrate schedule and information about speakers to the event page, from the database of Tito website. Lastly, when you want to monitor the success of your events, the tool allows you to download full details of your analytics and purchase data, and any attendee queries if they were included on the ticketing webpage. Tito has a clean, organized design and user-friendliness is the name of the game.
- Evvnt
This is a marketing tool to give your event all the exposure to succeed. It can be considered as the Hootsuite of listing spaces; by posting your event on this website, the tool will broadcast its details to more than 50 participating web platforms. But it gives you the option of selecting where the event is seen, and keeps a balance between location-based sites and social networks.
As a result, it allows you to easily jump in and get the word out there about your event, even if there are a few days remaining. It has paid subscription, but enables users to reach millions within a few hours.
Article Submitted By Derrick Manning( Community writer)