Five most trustworthy online backup services

Getting your important files backed up periodically is considered a very good idea in order to prevent it from being lost permanently during a system crash or format. An online backup option is considered more efficient when compared to other forms of backup (including CDs, external RAMs and even external an external hard disk). You get to store important data on a central database which you can access 24/7 with the help of an internet connection (on your PC, mobile or tablet). Your data would also be extremely safe and would be archived properly for easy recovery and retrieval. So without further ado, we present to you the top 5 trustworthy online backup services you can choose from for storing data.


Google Drive

In addition to the fact that the name ‘Google’ happens to be one of the most trusted online companies on earth, the fact that it’s Google Drive option gives you an online storage capacity of nearly 15GB is enough for anyone to opt for the application.

All you need to do is open your google account and download Google Drive. After installation, the application would provide you with a personalized ‘Google Drive’ folder where you can store all your files. The application automatically synchronizes the data and stores it in Google’s central database. You can retrieve these files whenever and wherever you want (provided you have internet connection at that time and place).

The only negative trait of Google Drive is that the data you store is nor encrypted. Even though this doesn’t mean that anyone can have access to your data, it still would make your personal information available for law enforcers and government officials in case they need to verify them.


CrashPlan+ is also considered as an efficient online backup storage option, thanks mainly to several exciting features like cost effectiveness, 448 bit encryption option and continuous backup, all of which is made possible by an excellent software program.

The software comes with different storage options (priced differently), including 10 GB storage, unlimited storage, and unlimited storage across at least 10 computers. You can also avail attractive discounts on the software (up to 40% off) on a long term basis (at least 4 years) if you opt for the prepayment option.



Although it offers the end user only a 2 GB storage option and is a paid software, Spideroak is preferred largely for its unique end –end encryption facility which would make your data literally impossible to access. The files can be stored anywhere on the computer without the need to create a separate folder for the software. And when you save your files to it, the software encrypts the data before sending it to the central database. You would be provided with a unique encryption key, and would be the only one to be able to view theencrypted data. This feature alone would pretty much make the other limitations of the Spideroak software negligible.

SOS Online Backup

Although a paid service (and not too cheap), SOS Online Backup has several unique features that make it stand out from its contemporaries. This includes the application’s one of a kind continuous backup of data files that would enable it to save the most recent version of a file immediately after a change is made in the latter.

SOS Online Backup also comes with several storage options that are priced accordingly, including options from 100 GB to 250 GB. End users can also avail attractive discounts on a prepayment basis. And some of the other benefits of using it include access to unlimited devices, support for network drives and unlimited versioning (resulting from the continuous information backup feature).



In addition to offering over 100 GB of storage space in its central database, iBackup offers its users something extra; a user friendly service which lets you back up important data without even having to worry about it. How you ask? Well, the company would send you an external hard drive which you can back up your data in. Once that is done, the company would retrieve the hard disk and upload your data for you. And that would save you plenty of time (and money, considering the fact that the iBackup software doesn’t cost much). Don’t worry about your data getting into the wrong hands though, for the company follows very strict guidelines about end user privacy.

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