The tech trends are ever changing and so, keeping up with them is really difficult. Technology has encompassed every aspect of our life. We have become more dependent on gadgets than before and we will continue to find solutions to each of our tiny problems through some gizmo or other. There are many technological innovations that spellbound us and make us sit up in surprised delight and there are those which make us say ‘Seriously’! Experimental blunders happen and not all techno gadgets get equal adoration or fame but some very bizarre techno gadgets are not just weird but also useful. In this article we will discuss some gadgets that are eccentric at first glance but quite interesting and helpful at the same time.
Eye See Cam
This is a unique type of camera. There is a great variety in the types of cameras available in the world now days. The Eye See Cam can take pictures of everything that you see. The movements of your eyes control it and everything that you look at is captured instantaneously without any delay of any sort. The frame rates that you get are about 600 Hz and the picture resolution is something around 752X 480 megapixels. It is especially good for scientists and surgeons who would like to keep track of their work in the lab or the OT. The experiences of the doctor or scientist, captured by this camera, can be used for educative purposes.
Beehive by Philips
The beehive is definitely a very innovative, nature-inspired gadget, but still its utility is doubtful. If you are someone who likes to get fresh organic food then you might like to keep this Beehive at home. It is a superficial home for the bees, modeled in the same way as a natural bee hive. Fresh, organic honey seems to be the only positive point.
Twistable Phone by Nokia
A cell phone, which you will be able to twist, has been created and launched by Nokia. This phone will fit any little space and very easy to carry around. Flexibility is the forte of this phone though it is not yet available for buying.
Black Luk
This gadget, made by Song Ah Lee, is surely a coffee lover’s delight. This gadget looks like a nice wall decoration but it makes coffee with élan, anytime you wish. The coffee mug can stay inside the gadget and you just need to draw it for getting the hot beverage poured into it.
Electrolux Waterless Cleaner
Hate cleaning the dishes the messy way? You can now get your dishes and utensils spotlessly clean by using the Electrolux Waterless Cleaner. It doesn’t require any water or other liquid for cleaning utensils.