If you have any doubt about the inventiveness of Chinese people, look at the homemade dialysis machine that kept Hu Songwen (the inventor from Nanjing) alive for 13 years. Hu Songwen was diagnosed with renal failure in 1993 and didn’t have enough funds for regular blood cleansing or dialysis treatment, leaving him with no other option but to build his own dialysis machine.
Made using kitchen equipment, medical parts and a textbook, the ingenious dialysis machine costs Hu around $10 (on filters and chemicals) per dialysis session with an investment $800 on a pump, which he failed to create by himself. The $16 filter is the vital part of the homemade dialysis machine, which can be used for eight dialysis sessions. Regarding the dependability of the homespun dialysis machine, Hu says,
As long as you have a high school degree, understand the principle of dialysis, follow the operational instructions and keep a close watch during the process, nothing should go wrong.
Via: Chinadaily/ Telegraph