How to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
The new year is here, which means that a lot of people have set themselves the goal of achieving something. Whether it’s getting healthier or saving more money, making resolutions can be an exciting time. But as the months go by and it becomes clear you’re not going to hit your target, it can also be disheartening. If you’ve ever felt like this before—and who hasn’t?—you might want to try my tips for making sure that your New Year’s resolutions stick:
Set realistic goals
Achieving your goal is not only about reaching the end of a timeline, but about enjoying the journey along the way. If you set goals that are too easy to achieve, you may be more likely to lose motivation before you reach your end goal. On the other hand, if your goal is too challenging and overwhelming for where you’re at right now in life, it’s possible that it could lead to frustration or even failure.
Instead of setting unrealistic expectations for yourself—and then being disappointed when they don’t come true—make sure that all of your resolutions take into consideration what is achievable within reason.
Break your goals down into small steps
One of the most common reasons that people fail to achieve their New Year’s resolutions is that they set goals that are too big, and they don’t break them down into manageable pieces. For example, if one of your resolutions is to lose weight and get fitter, you may be tempted to go from eating a lot of fast food and being sedentary all day long, to suddenly going on a diet that involves cutting out junk food altogether and working out for two hours every day. That’s just not realistic! Instead of trying to go from zero exercises in your life all the way up to marathon training in one year (which will probably lead to injury), take it one step at a time. Start by walking around outside during lunch breaks or after dinner—and then make it part of your commute route home from work each day until it becomes second nature—and increase the length or intensity as you feel comfortable doing so over time until you reach your goal level of activity per week/month/year. That way, if along the way, something comes up such as you experiencing tailor bunion pain, you can take care of that and keep on track with your goals.
Start slow and don’t rush yourself
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of things you want to change in your life. But if you want your resolutions to stick, don’t try changing everything at once. Start by identifying one or two areas that could use some work—and start small. For example, if you’re trying to eat healthier foods and get more exercise, start with eating one healthy meal each week instead of going cold turkey on junk food; add one or two days a week where you work out for 30 minutes instead of attempting an hour-long workout every day from day one.
As the year goes on, keep adding new habits until they become second nature for you!
Celebrate your accomplishments along the way
If you’re finding it difficult to stay motivated, take a moment to celebrate your accomplishments along the way. In addition to the internal satisfaction of knowing that you’ve accomplished something and that you’re moving towards your goal, celebrating small successes can help keep your motivation high. Celebrating is also important because it allows us to feel like we are making progress even when we don’t see it as clearly on paper or in numbers.
If you have a reward system set up, use it! If not, there is plenty of time during this process to develop one (we’ll get into how later). You should get acquainted with celebrating small wins by giving yourself rewards at key milestones throughout this process—and don’t forget that celebration doesn’t need to mean food or money! Try rewarding yourself with something personal like taking extra time for self-care or seeing a movie with friends on Friday night instead of staying home and watching Netflix after work.
Eliminate temptations
If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your new year’s resolutions. But in case you’re having trouble with any of them, here are a few tips on how to stay motivated:
- Don’t give up! If you miss a day or two, don’t let it get you down. Try not to allow yourself to get overwhelmed by the enormity of your task; take one small step at a time, and know that every little bit counts. It’s okay if things don’t go exactly according to plan—you can always adjust later based on how things play out.
- Don’t let yourself get discouraged by failure! Failure is part of life; we all fail sometimes (and even when we don’t fail outright). Don’t let failure define who you are or what you’re capable of doing—it doesn’t make us bad people just because we haven’t succeeded yet! It only means that now is as good a time as any other for trying again…with renewed vigor this time around!
Look at a calendar and set reminders
One of the most effective ways to ensure that you stay on track with your goals is to set reminders. There are many ways to do this, but it’s important to choose a method that works best for you. You can set reminders on your phone or computer, in an online calendar or diary, or even in your email inbox.
One way is to create daily tasks and reminders in your calendar application; this will help keep those resolutions top-of-mind throughout the day and make sure that nothing slips through the cracks. If you want something a bit more detailed than just “call mom,” try adding specific steps like “plan date night” or “prepare lunchbox.” If you’re having trouble keeping yourself motivated enough to follow through with these plans, try setting a reminder for every two hours—this will prevent procrastination while still giving yourself time between appointments at work!
Ask for help if you need it
If you’re struggling to keep your resolutions, ask for help. You can get advice from friends and family, or learn about different resources online. If the problem persists and feels beyond your control, consider talking to a mental health professional.
Your progress is not a race; it’s an incremental and consistent improvement
One of the most important things to remember is that you’re not in a race, and you shouldn’t be trying to keep up with anyone else. You know what works best for your body and mind, and so do they.
For example, if you’re trying to lose weight this New Year’s Resolution season, don’t get discouraged if you’re not seeing results right away—the key is incremental progress. Instead of setting an overly ambitious goal like “lose 30 pounds in one month,” set smaller goals that will help build up momentum over time: “lose 1 pound per week” or “eat healthier meals twice a day.”
If one-day slips by without exercising? No worries—give yourself permission to start over tomorrow instead of beating yourself up about it (or worse yet, giving up entirely). As long as there’s sunlight outside, there’s always another chance for success!
If you’re looking to achieve a New Year’s resolution, we hope this list has given you some helpful ideas. The most important thing is to make progress in small steps, and not let yourself get discouraged if you don’t see results right away. It’s also important to celebrate each achievement along the way and stay positive about your goals: if they are truly meaningful to you then they deserve all the effort you can give!