MyMagic+ band uses RFID technology to enhance your Disney World experience


People, especially kids, never miss a chance to experience the fun and thrill at the Disney World, no matter if they have to stand in long queues for hours to enter the park. To enhance your experience inside the park, Disney has come up with a $1 billion project that will make use of RFID technology to let visitors register for the cloud-based service and wear a magic band, hailed as “MyMagic+,” to enter the park.

Worn by a family of four, the MagicBands apart from allowing an easy entry to the park also lets the users purchase lunch and unlock their hotel room as well, without the need to search money or credit card in their pocket. The MagicBands become a wireless ID of the visitors to personalize their interactions or experience in the park, for their name or identity can easily be recognized with the band strapped around their wrist. Though visitors can keep their privacy intact and opt out of characters knowing their names.

No matter if kids separate from their parents in the park, for visitors will be able to track someone through the entire park with RFID wristbands. The MagicBands are surely an intelligent trick will definitely attract a large number of visitors, who refrain from standing in long queue, to the Disney World.

Via: Fastcodesign

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